Complaint Submission Procedure

At Piraeus Bank we seek to respond to the demands of our customers with integrity and high-level services. In this context, you may contact us so as in order to resolve any matters which may concern you, in accordance with the steps set out by the rules of procedure of the Hellenic Ombudsman for Banking-Investment Services.
The profit is mutual.

If any issue has arisen with our products and services or Corporate Responsibility matters, you may :

Contact us in one of the following ways:

Visit the Piraeus Bank branch which is convenient to you
Find the nearest branch
Call Monday- Friday 8:00 – 18:00 the Piraeus Bank telephone customer service at 210 3288000.For security issues that require immediate handling, you can contact us 24/7. 

Our representative will carefully listen/read the matter which concerns you and will provide you with details regarding the product, service or procedure in question. If necessary, the representative will contact the relevant department so as to find answers to any further inquiries of yours.

Together we will try to find a solution that satisfies you, according to the Piraeus Bank terms of operation and within the time frame provided for by the current regulatory framework.

If the response you received did not satisfy you, you can:            

Contact the Customer Complaint Service in one of the following ways, and you can request review of your question:

Via the Complaint Submission form (

Via post at:

Piraeus Bank
Quality Assurance of the Group Operation
Customer Complaint Service
26 Feidippidou Str.,
115 27 Athens
Via fax: 210 9294317

The Customer Complaint Service, in cooperation with the relevant departments of the Bank, will investigate the matter objectively and shall respond to you in writing, in accordance with the time frames specified by the applicable regulatory framework. If further time is required to handle it, you will be informed.

The majority of complaints are resolved by the Bank.

However, if the response of the Customer Complaint Service did not satisfy you, you may contact for the extra-judicial dispute resolution, the Hellenic Ombudsman for Banking-Investment Services (1 Massalias Str., 106 80 Athens,, Tel.: 10 4 40, 210 3376700 ,Fax: 210-3238821, E-mail: as an Alternative Dispute Resolution entity ("ADR ")  that is listed in the special register kept at the website of the Directorate-General for Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance.

If the dispute concerns contractual obligations under an electronic service agreement, the Customer may submit a request for the extrajudicial settlement of the dispute through the Online Dispute Resolution – ODR platform at

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