• Piraeus e-banking
  • Piraeus business app

European payment services directive (PSD2)

1) What changes at Piraeus business e-banking?

-From now on in order to conduct transactions at Piraeus business e-banking every transactions should be authorized. Transaction authorization will be performed with an extraPIN delivered through SMS at the company’s registered user.

-At Piraeus business e-banking you can designate, if you wish, beneficiaries with whom you frequently and regularly transact as trustees. Beneficiaries you designate as trusted beneficiaries will no longer require strong identification when conducting a transaction.
For the following transactions you can exempt them from the strong authentication requirement, setting them as a trusted beneficiary:
• Transfer money to someone’s else account at Piraeus Bank
• Remittances
• Payments to organizations
• Credit card payment
• Load Business Prepaid Card
Management of trusted beneficiaries (creation / deletion) is set from authorized users (admin user) at security settings at user’s profile. Once a beneficiaries is set as a Trusted Beneficiary, it is available to all corporate users. A user in order to manage trusted beneficiaries, should apply at his Piraeus Bank branch proper legal documents with the required declaration.

2) Can I perform electronic transactions through Piraeus Business e-banking without strong authentication?

​Piraeus Bank, for your convenience, will not require strong authentication for transactions up to €100 made through Piraeus Business e-banking, provided that these transactions comply with the Bank's security protocols. For online transactions over €100, strong authentication will always be required.

FAQs on access to Piraeus business e-banking

1) I got locked out of Piraeus business e-banking. What can I do to regain my access immediately?

From the Piraeus business e-banking login page select “Forgot/blocked Password?” and then "I have blocked my password, but I remember it" and fill in the requested information:

• Personal debit card number
• Username
• extraPIN phone that you have registered into the corporate’s access for receiving extraPIN security code.

After that you fill in the extraPIN code and you will immediately get access to the service again.

Alternatively, to restore your access on Piraeus business e-banking please contact the Call Center of Piraeus Bank at +30 210 32 88000 or visit a Piraeus Bank branch.

2) How can I modify, via Piraeus business e-banking, the mobile number where I receive the extraPIN?

To modify the mobile phone number where you receive the extraPIN please visit a Piraeus Bank branch.

3) I have forgotten my Username. How can I retrieve it?

If you forgot your Username, from the login page of Piraeus business e-banking select > Forgot Username?. After completing the following step, you will receive your Username via SMS at the extraPIN mobile phone number that you have registered into the corporate’s access for receiving extraPIN security code.
Alternatively, you may contact the Call Center of Piraeus Bank at +30 210 32 88000

4) While trying to change my Password the message “Please check your credentials” appears. What did I do wrong?

In any case you try to change your Password the new Password must comply with the following rules:

  • It should not be the same as the Username
  • It should consist of at least 8 characters, including at least one letter and one number
  • It is not allowed to use a sequence of same characters (e.g. b2222222)
  • It is not allowed to use characters in a logical sequence (e.g. 12345678)
  • It is not allowed to use the symbols ">" , "<","|", "&".

Attention! Password is case sensitive, which means that capital letters are considered to be different from lowercase letters and that Greek letters are different from Latin letters. For example, Password klomern3 is different to KLOMERN3 and Password abarkem4 is different to αβαρκεμ4.

5) I do not receive an SMS extraPIN. What may be the problem?
First, check that:
  • you have sufficient mobile coverage
  • you have enabled Roaming– in case you are abroad
  • you have sufficient Message Storage (older phones)
  • you have sufficient Memory (for smartphones. In order to resolve this issue just close few back-ground applications)

If you still do not receive an extraPIN, call the Piraeus Bank Call Center at +30 210 32 88000.

6) I do not have Piraeus business e-banking credentials. What do I need to do to have access at Piraeus business e-banking?

In order to register to winbank Piraeus e-banking for business , it is necessary that you keep an account with Piraeus Bank. For information concerning the required documentation, please visit a Piraeus Bank branch.

Functionality of Piraeus business e-banking

1) How can I send a remittance using Piraeus business e-banking?

To send a remittance through Piraeus business e-banking, please take the following steps:

• Log in to your Piraeus business e-banking
• Choose TRANSFERS > Transfer to other Banks/ Remittance
• Fill in all the fields and select “Next”
 • Confirm the details of payment and select “Next”. Complete your submission in the next step.

TIP! If you execute frequent remittances to the same recipients, you can use Aliases for their payment details e.g. name, IBAN and BIC. In this way you can speed up the entry of new, similar remittances.

2) How can I see if a transaction (deposit or debit) has been made to one of my accounts?

In order to be informed via Piraeus business e-banking about the deposits and debits on your bank accounts, please take the following steps:

  1. Log in to Piraeus business e-banking
  2. Select DEPOSITS -> My Accounts
  3. Select the account you wish to see by clicking on the arrow located at the right side. You will be transferred to the ”Account Transactions” screen.
  4. In the Filters section select the appropriate search options to find the transactions you wish to view. The default selection is transactions for the Current Month but you can search for transactions for the past 13 months.
  5. You may print the account transactions or download them by clicking on the right buttons at the bottom of the screen.
3) How quickly is a money transfer to another bank executed?

You have the ability to select when your payment order want to be executed; with “high priority”, with “normal priority” or on a future date “On”.

• If you select High priority, your account will be debited immediately and your order will be sent with same day value date. The option of same day value is available when your payment order is submitted in EUR, USD or GBP currency. Payment orders up to €12.500 are sent through IRIS payments service as long as the currency is EUR and the beneficiary’s bank participates in the service.
• If you select Normal priority, your account will be debited immediately and your order will be executed with value date of one business day for EURO payments (D+1) and two business days for payments in other currencies (D+2).
• If you select a future date “On”, your account will be debited on the selected business date and your order will be executed with value date of one business day value date for EURO payments (D+1) and two business days for payments in other currencies (D+2).

Cut-off time: The debit of your account and the execution of your payment order depends on the time your order is submitted. If you submit your order on a business day from 08:00 to 16:00, it will be processed according to what is applied for each execution type (Immediately – Low priority – On), otherwise it will be processed the next business day.

In any case the credit amount to the beneficiary’s account depends on the receiving bank.

4) Can I send an IRIS payment through Piraeus business e-banking?

​You may use the service either through Piraeus Bank branch network or through the Piraeus business e-banking.

IRIS payments service ensures crediting of the receiver’s account with full amount within a few minutes. The service is available for amounts up to € 12.500 per transaction sent to National Bank of Greece, Alpha Bank, Eurobank and Attica Bank.

In order to send the IRIS payment through the Piraeus business e-banking, you must login using your personal credentials to the Piraeus business e-banking and follow the below procedure:

• Fill in all the form’s fields following the system’s instructions.
• Should the system acknowledge that the remittance covers all the prerequisites so as to be sent as IRIS payment (bank, amount) an icon of High priority – IRIS payments will show up
• Confirm the selection and place your order. Your linked bank account will be debited with the amount of the remittance and the transaction fees.

5) How can I request cancellation or modification of a remittance after the execution date through Piraeus business e-banking?

You can request the cancellation or modification of a remittance through  Piraeus e-banking even after the execution date.
You can submit your request for cancellation or modification as follows:
1. Select the Remittance Management screen which is available on TRANSFERS> HISTORY AND TRANSFER MANAGEMENT
2. Through this screen find the outgoing remittance that you want to cancel or modify 
3. Select the remittance via the button to the left and then press "Request for Cancellation" or "Request for Modification".

6) How do I send mass payments (remittances and transfers) to my suppliers and/or my employees in Greece and abroad through Piraeus business e-banking?
For those of you who manage a significant volume of payments in Greece and abroad, Piraeus bank offers the e-PPS mass payments service (automatic extraction of a specially formatted file based on the functional specifications provided by the Bank) and the e-PPS SEPA mass payments service (file creation through an application offered to you free of charge by the Bank) in order to achieve complete automation of your transactions.

The file can include repetitive or several individual payments to accounts held within Piraeus Bank and to accounts held to third Banks.
When the file is created, you can send it to the Bank through Piraeus e-banking as follows:
1. Select the e-PPS Credit Transfers screen which is available on PIRAEUS CASH menu
2. Choose the file using the button “Select File” and then press the button “Next”
3.  Select the button “Submit” in order to complete the downloading
Should the file is accepted by the bank; all your payments are executed automatically.

For more information regarding the e-PPS payment service and your accession process, you may contact your nearest Piraeus Bank branch or you may call 18 28 38 or 210 328800.
7) What is Approval Workflows via Piraeus e-banking and how can obtain this service?

Only the users you authorise may have access to perform transactions via Piraeus business e-banking, depending on the amount and type of transaction. You may also set an extra condition, requiring approval from multiple authorised employees or executives within your company.

• Customisation per user and transaction
When you subscribe to the service, we will assist you to set up the access and administration parameters per user and transaction via Piraeus business e-banking.

• User combination for performing transactions
To complete monetary transactions, you may set a condition for actions by a combination of authorised users. This approval mechanism requires actions by multiple users with different approval levels.

• Combination of two factors for identity authentication
For certain actions or transactions, the system itself may require a two-factor authentication. The second factor is the 6-digit extraPIN you will receive via SMS on your mobile or by using the extraPIN generator device.

In order to obtain the Approval Workflows service, please visit a Piraeus Bank branch.

8) How can I cancel a bill payment order?

​In order to cancel a bill payment order, select from the menu Payments-> Payments/ Transfers Management the "Request cancellation" button.

Services linked to Piraeus business e-banking

1) What is the e- statements service and how can I register to it through Piraeus business e-banking?

By registering to the e-statements service you may access your credit card account in electronic form.

My registering to this service you will be notified immediately via SMS or/and e-mail for the issuance of your credit card account

  • you can access your credit card statements in electronic form,
  • you will be informed immediately via SMS or/and e-mail about the issuance of your credit card statement, which will be immediately available through Piraeus business e-banking and
  • you will no longer receive a printed statement by post.

In order to register to the e-statements service through Piraeus business e-banking:

  • Select OTHER PRODUCTS > CARDS -> Credit Cards
  • After selecting the card, from the Related Services on the right side of the screen choose Credit Card e-statements
  • You will be transferred to a screen from which you may register to the service by providing your e-mail and/or your mobile number where you wish to receive the notifications for the statement issuing.

Further information about the e-statements service is available at the official site of Piraeus Bank.

2) What is an Alias Name?

By using Alias Names you can save:

  • bank account numbers of Piraeus or other banks
  • credit cards of Piraeus or other banks
  • payee codes
  • details for the Insurance Coupon issuance

These data will be registered only once by giving them the Alias Name you wish (e.g. “My Payroll Account”). After the definition of an Alias Name, whenever you wish to use these data on Piraeus business e-banking you only have to choose this specific Alias Name and the details will be filled in automatically.

By this way you simplify and accelerate the submission of your transactions, while at the same time you minimize the possibility of wrong typing.

3) What does the Piraeus Alerts service offer and how can I register for it?

Piraeus Alerts offer notifications via SMS and e-mail about:
• account transactions
• card transactions (credit, debit, prepaid)
• payment and stock market orders
through your subscription to one of the available alerts packages.

The registration to the service can be made immediately and easily through Piraeus business e-banking  by selecting SERVICES ->Piraeus Alerts. You may also register for Piraeus Alerts at a Piraeus Bank Branch.

4) Which are the alerts packages I can choose from?

Every Piraeus Alerts package is different in regard to:
• the ways of notification (e-mail & SMS)
• duration
• the events that will trigger the alerts (e.g. account debits or credits, card transactions, daily portfolio valuation etc)
so that you can choose the one that meets your needs.

5) Which are the advantages of the new Piraeus Alerts packages?

The new Piraeus Alerts package portfolio offers you:

  • Flexible packages from which you may choose which one meets your personal needs
  • Set amount for cost control and saving. You keep throughout the use of the service control of the cost, while at the same time you adapt the notifications to the your needs
  • Option for automatic renewal by charging your account or your card and thus ensuring the smooth renewal of service
6)What can I do when a technical problem occurs?

If you face difficulties while conducting a transaction or generally when using the Piraeus business e-banking service, you may contact the Call Center of Piraeus Bank at 18 28 38 (From Greece) or at +30 210 32 88000* (from abroad).

Changes at the new Piraeus business e-banking

1) Can I use Piraeus e-banking from my tablet or mobile phone?

A basic change that has been made at the redesigned Piraeus e-banking is that it is now responsive, which means that it automatically adapts to the customer’s screen size (PC, tablet, smartphone).

This functionality offers high quality lay out of Piraeus e-banking on all devices, even at smartphones regardless of their operating system (Android, iOS, windows, etc).

The new Piraeus business e-banking is the first actually responsive-banking in Greece.

2) What is My Favorites?

By selecting My Favorites you save time by having quick access to the pages you use more often, provided you have set them as “favorites”.

When you see a star next to a product or transaction, you just need to click on it and it’ll automatically create a “favorite”.

You can have up to 10 favorites with the most recent appearing on the top of the list. By selecting My Favorites -> Manage you can change the order or deleting your favorites.

3) How can I change the order of My Favorites?

By selecting “My favorites” you can view and manage your favorites. You may change the order of your favorites, simply by dragging it from the left side and dropping it at the new position. This way, the rest of the favorites are placed one position lower.

You may delete a favorite by clicking on the yellow star next to it. When the star is no longer yellow, the item is removed from the list of favorites.

4) What changes have been made to the menu?
The menu has become more user friendly so that you can find easier what you are looking for.

It has been divided into two sections:

  • On the above section of the screen there is a menu for access to auxiliary functions
  • Underneath there is the main menu for access to the basic functionality of Piraeus business e-banking
  • On the left side your name, surname and Username appears. From the dropdown list you may manage your profile on Piraeus e-banking (messages, security alerts, etc)
  • My favorites for quick access to the transactions you find more useful
  • Tools for important information (eg. ATM finder, IBAN calculator etc)
  • Search for easier and faster product and services search /history of transactions
  • Greek/English for selecting language
  • Help for access to material that may answer your questions
  • Exit for logout from Piraeus e-banking

There are eight basic sections on the main menu:

  • DEPOSITS & INVESTMENTS to access your deposits (bank accounts and time deposits), to monitor your transactions and apply for relevant services (alerts, account opening, e-statements etc)
  • LOANS & FINANCING for information concerning your loans and related transactions
  • CHEQUES to be able to monitor your issued cheques and order a new cheque book
  • OTHER PRODUCTS to be able to monitor other products that are not included in the previously mentioned categories (eg cards, insurance products, safe boxes etc.)
  • TRANSFERS to transfer funds to bank accounts within Piraeus Bank and to other banks and monitor the outcome of your orders
  • PAYMENTS to make payments to public beneficiaries, credit card payments and monitor the outcome of your orders
  • PURCHASES & APPLICATIONS to make an application via Piraeus e-banking and obtain products and services of Piraeus Bank such as alerts, prepaid cards, etc.
5) What is a Payment Sample?

In order to help you complete the necessary fields for every Payment, we’ve created Payment Samples.

Choose the Payment you wish and then press the symbol + to the Payment Sample in order to see more information

Follow the payment sample instructions in order to complete all necessary fields safely and quickly.

6) What is Progressive Ledger Balance?

With Progressive balance you can see how the Accounting balance of your account is formed after each transaction.

7) Who can access the new Piraeus e-banking for business environment?

The new redesigned Piraeus e-banking for business will be accessible by all corporate users with Piraeus e-banking credentials.

8) How can an authorized user receive notification for approving a transaction?

​After registering to the “Approval workflows via Piraeus e-banking ” service, the authorized users receive automatically notifications via e-mail when an approval for a monetary transaction is required. The e-mails are sent to the e-mail address that has been presented to Piraeus Bank while registering to the worklflows service.

9) How can I monitor my deposit and debit card transactions via Piraeus e-banking for Business?

​In order to monitor the deposit and debit card transactions via Piraeus business e-banking follow the next steps:

1.  Log-in to Piraeus e-banking for Business
3.  Select the card you wish by clicking on the arrow on the right side
4.  At the bottom of the screen you may search for the card transactions based on the type of transaction or time frame. 

10) Where can I see the transactions of the company’s loans and the non-overdue promissory letters via Piraeus e-banking for Business?

In order to monitor via Piraeus business e-banking the transactions of the company’s loans and the non-overdue promissory letters follow the next steps:

1.  Log-in to Piraeus e-banking for Business
2.  Select from the menu LOANS & FINANCING -> Loans & Financing 

At the next page a list of the company’s loans is presented. Select the loan for which you wish to obtain further information by clicking on the arrow on its right side.
By clicking on “Transactions” you may see the transactions of the loan based on time period or a specific time frame.

11) How can I receive a statement for transactions via epay POS via e-mail?

​1.Log-in to Piraeus e-banking for Business
2.Select from the menu Other Products> epay / Card Transactions via epay POS > Transaction Reports >Related Services

12) Where can I see the merchant statement for card transactions via epay POS?

​In order to see the merchant statements for card transactions via epay POS follow the next steps:
1.  Log-in to Piraeus e-banking for Business
2.  Select from the menu Other Products> epay / Card Transactions via epay POS>Merchant Statements

European payment services directive (PSD2)

1) What changes at Piraeus business app?

​In order to conduct transactions at Piraeus business app authorization is already required with quick login (4digit PIN, fingerprint or FaceID at compatible devices) for every transaction.
Moreover, in order to conduct transactions at Piraeus business e-banking, every transaction should be authorized. Transaction authorization will be performed through push notification at new Piraeus business app, with an extraPIN delivered through SMS at the company’s registered user or alternatively using a code from an extraPIN generator.

2) Can I perform electronic transactions through Piraeus Business app without strong authentication?

​Piraeus Bank, for your convenience, will not require strong authentication for transactions up to €100 made through Piraeus Business app, provided that these transactions comply with the Bank's security protocols. For online transactions over €100, strong authentication will always be required.

New look

1) What changes at Piraeus business app?

Piraeus business app has been redesigned and adapted to meet your needs "on the go". With the new redesigned user experience and navigation, you can conduct your company's transactions quicker than ever. At the home screen you can view all your recent Piraeus e-banking transactions and the approvals menu. Also, at the bottom of the screen you can select Transact for conducting your company's transactions.

In addition, another "home" screen has been created. Swiping left, you can view the balances of your company's products per category. Deposits, Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Prepaid Cards, Loans and Investments. By selecting a category you can view the company's products in detail and you can initiate a transactions from a product.

Also, you can enable the SSO (Single Sign On) feature in order to view on the home screen all the companies you represent, enabling you to sign in with one username & password.


1) I do not have Piraeus business e-banking credentials. What do I need to do in order to gain access at Piraeus e-banking?

​In order to register at Piraeus e-banking for your business, it is required to open a business account at Piraeus Bank. In order to gain access at Piraeus e-banking for your business, you have to visit a Piraeus Bank branch, in order to get informed on the required legal documents you must present in order to register at Piraeus business e-banking.

2) How do I install the app?

​Download the app from stores (App Store or Google Play) depending on your device's operating system. Search for "Piraeus business" and then select Acquire (iOS) or Install (Android).

3) What do I do after my first login at the application?

-At first login, type username & password. In case you enter Piraeus e-banking for the first time you will be asked to change your initial credentials.

-Then you set quick login (4 digit PIN, fingerprint scan or face id) in order to login quickly at the application. If you do not activate face id or fingerprint, you will be asked to set a 4-digit PIN.

-You have the option to enable application's notifications so when required you can automatically receive the extra PIN security code and you validate your transactions using quick login. This way you save time while maintaining a high level of security.  

4) I got locked at Piraeus e-banking. What can I do to regain access immediately?

From the Piraeus business e-banking login page select “Forgot/blocked Password?” and then "I have blocked my password, but I remember it" and fill in the requested information:

• Personal debit card number
• Username
• extraPIN phone that you have registered into the corporate’s access for receiving extraPIN security code.

After that you fill in the extraPIN code and you will immediately get access to the service again.
Alternatively, to restore your access on  Piraeus e-banking please contact the Call Center of Piraeus Bank at +30 210 32 88000 or visit a Piraeus Bank branch.

5) I have forgotten my Username. How can I retrieve it?

​If you forgot your Username, from the login screen select > “Forgot PIN?”. From the next screen select “Forgot username?” After completing the following step, you will receive your Username via SMS at the extraPIN mobile phone number that you have registered into the corporate’s access for receiving extraPIN security code.
Alternatively, you may contact the Call Center of Piraeus Bank at +30 210 32 88000.

6) I'm an individual. Can I log in to the Piraeus business app?

​If you are an individual with Single-Sign-On (SSO) enabled for your corporate profile, you will be able to log in to the Piraeus business app with your Piraeus e-banking credentials as an individual, but after you log in, you will only see the details of the companies you represent and not your personal information as an individual.

7) I represent many companies. Can I manage them through the app?

If you represent more than one companies, when you sign in to the app, you will be asked to choose which company you want to sign in to before viewing the Home Screen of the app.

If your company's legal details are inaccurate, in order to be re-activated, you must visit any Piraeus Bank branch that serves, you in order to update your legal representation details.

The Change profile option at the menu after login appears only if there are more than one company profiles. Selecting it, the company selection screen appears.


1) How do I view the approvals menu?

​At the Home screen select "Approvals":

  • Third Party:  You view the transactions that require your approval, sorted by submission date and their total number. Select the transaction you want to view its details, in order to approve or reject it.
  • Mine: You view the transactions you have entered and must be approved from another company user, sorted by the date of submission and their total number. Select the transaction you want to view its details, in order to cancel it or recreate it.
  • History:  You can find this button at the bottom of the transactions approvals screen.  You view the transactions you have completed, approved or rejected. With the blue  indicator you view the approved transactions. With the red indicator you view the rejected transactions. With the orange indicator you view the approved scheduled transactions. Selecting the icon  you can search the transaction you want to find, using filters in the Approvals History. 
2) How do I view all my product balances?

​At the app's home screen, swiping on the left, you view the balances of all your products by category.

3) How do I view my transactions?

Piraeus e-banking transactions: At the Home screen, you view your recent transactions.  Selecting History you can view all your Piraeus e-banking transactions.
Account Transactions: From any Account, by selecting 'View', you can view all the latest transactions. Using the search icon at the top right corner, you can choose the time period you want to search for a transaction.
Card Transactions: From any card, by selecting "View" you can view all the latest card transactions. Using the search icon at the top right corner, you can choose the time period you want to search for a transaction. 

4) How do I change language?

​Select the menu  icon and selecting Settings, you can change to English by selecting "Switch to English".


1) How do I make a remittance or a third party transfer?

​At the Home screen, you select Transact and then Third party transfer. Then you select the debit account (source of funds) and fill in the beneficiary account's IBAN number or select it from the list of alias accounts. At the next screen you fill in the amount and when you want the transaction to be executed. At the last screen you can edit the transaction's details and by selecting Submit to execute the transaction.

2) How do I make a transfer between the company’s accounts?

​At the Home screen, by selecting Transact and then Transfer between business accounts. Then you select the debit account (source of funds) and then from the list which appears on the screen you select the account you wish to transfer funds. At the next screens you fill in the amount and when you want the transaction to be executed. At the last screen you can edit the transaction's details and by selecting Submit to execute the transaction.

3) How do I make a bill payment?

At the Home screen, you select Transact and then Pay bill. Then you select the category (i.e. Energy) and then the bill you wish to pay (i.e. DEH). You fill in the payment code (or scan the code for the supporting bill payments, or choose an already set alias), the name where the bill is registered, the amount of bill payment and the debit account. Then you tap the next button.  At the last screen you can edit the transaction's details and by selecting Submit to execute the transaction.

You also have the option to choose whether the account will be paid immediately or on a specific date and to add this bill payment to an alias list in order to have the data pre-filled for a future payment.

4) How can I pay my Piraeus Bank Business Credit Card?

​At the Home screen, you select Transact and then Card Payment. Then you select the debit account and select from the list which appears on the screen, the credit card you wish to pay. In the next screens you fill in the amount and when you want the payment to run. At the last screen you can edit the transaction's details and by selecting Submit to execute the payment.

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